Message from the Ministry Team

Let’s get back to what we were doing before all this happened!
In one of the stories we Christians read during the season of Easter, we can sense that desire amongst Jesus’ disciples (John 21:1-19). Years earlier, when they were fishermen, he had invited them to follow him. They had put down their nets, and, for three years, had walked with him as he taught and healed and preached. They were on hand for agony of his crucifixion and the shock of his resurrection. But somehow, they found their way back to the lakeshore where it had all begun. And when Peter announced ‘I am going fishing,’ they readily agreed: ‘We will go with you’ (v. 3). There is something comforting about returning to a routine, to our well-rehearsed activities. Let’s get back to normal!
The risen Christ, it seems, had other plans. Much to their astonishment, he appeared on the beach and shouted across the water some advice on fishing. Then over a breakfast of charbroiled fish, he started an intense conversation with Peter. If you love me, Peter, if you want to do my will, then you will serve others, tend to others, feed others (vs.15-19). Ultimately, Jesus did not ask Peter to return to a routine, to get back to normal, or simply to worship him. His call to Peter and the others was much more demanding: ‘Follow me’ (v. 19).
When so much changes around us, we rest on the promise that ‘Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). Yet when we follow Jesus, there is no returning to normal. He keeps appearing on our lakeshores – startling us, nudging us, inviting us, correcting us, and calling us to love others in the way he loves. Whether you are a long-time member of Walworth Church, or are looking for a new start, let us listen for Jesus’ call together!
Rev. David Markay
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Walworth Methodist Church
Walworth Methodist Church
54 Camberwell Road